What are the best ways to automate MIH referrals?

What are the best ways to automate MIH referrals?

What are the best ways to automate MIH referrals? Mobile Integrated Healthcare Video: Top three methods for automating MIH referrals: Electronic patient care reports (ePCRs), Secure online referral form, and the HealthCall Care Network. HealthCall provides many ways...
Can a Small MIH Team Tackle a Huge Drug Problem?

Can a Small MIH Team Tackle a Huge Drug Problem?

Can a Small MIH Team Tackle a Huge Drug Problem? How a small and dedicated MIH team maximizes their reach and impact in spite of limited resources. This is the third article in our three-part series building on “One Pill Can Kill”, the DEA’s public awareness campaign...
New Tool for MIH to Aid Addiction Recovery

New Tool for MIH to Aid Addiction Recovery

HealthCall Adds Another New Tool for Addiction Recovery New tool helps assess key resources available to aid addiction recovery Listen to the Interview https://www.healthcall.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Dr-Bowen-MIRC-Interview-v2.mp3 We interviewed Elizabeth Bowen,...
Overdose Response and Prevention: New Three-Part Series

Overdose Response and Prevention: New Three-Part Series

Overdose Response and Prevention: New Three-Part Series Paramedics from across the country share practical steps and lesson learned for improving overdose response and prevention within MIH programs. Building on “One Pill Can Kill”, the DEA’s public...