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The #1 Care Delivery Platform™

You are focused on helping people, caring for them, and connecting them with the best, most appropriate care. That’s why we designed our patient-centric care delivery platform to be flexible and easy to use, adapting to and enhancing your existing workflows.

With an intuitive interface you can use on any device, documentation tools supporting everything from freeform encounter narratives to a full library of standard assessments, and an interface that utilizes voice-to-text and AI grammar assistance, we enable you to document even the most diverse care.

And with a HIPAA-compliant Care Network to make referrals, share care plans, and coordinate care with multiple providers and even entire communities, we help you quickly connect patients with the right resources and support.

HealthCall’s full suite of features is here to help you provide your best care for more people in less time.

Connect Your Community

Community Care Network

Highly scalable: HealthCall Community Care Network enables the rapid expansion of secure collaboration with primary and ancillary care providers, mental health and social services, and connects your entire community of resources.

A True Team-Oriented Approach to Care
Like you, the HealthCall Community Care Network is about helping more people get better care faster:
Break down barriers that have traditionally separated communities with Care Team Networks that members can access from any desktop or mobile device — Quickly and securely connect providers, specialists, charitable organizations, community resources, non-profits, and government agencies into patient-specific care teams.

Provide individualized care specific to each patients needs Care teams safely and securely communicate with their members and easily share information to help people get the right care they need. In real-time, assessments are scheduled, action items are assigned, and reports are shared. The entire care team is connected and engaged.  This enhances accountability, ensures transparency, and ultimately delivers a higher level of patient care.

Schedule transportation, arrange a meal or delivery of medical equipment for your patient  You can, quickly and securely.

The Care Network is one of the many ways HealthCall helps dramatically improve the lives of the individuals you serve while greatly decreasing the costs to the community — all of this and no monthly per-user fees to stifle your connected community.

Accessible From Any Device

Universal Device Support

Cloud based and cross platform accessible: Consistent user experience across desktop, laptop & tablet computers, and smartphone devices, regardless of operating system (Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, etc.).

Prefer to use a laptop in the office and tablet with patients?  Just log in and all of your filters, settings, and preferences are there just as expected.

Cloud-based: works with current operating systems

Device independent: all major laptops, tablets, and smartphones

Fully web based: No apps to install on devices, no software on servers

Secure, compliant, and trusted nationwide

Be There Even When You Can’t

Integrated Telehealth

Video enabled: From demanding 911 call centers and on-scene emergency care, to in-home therapy and routine virtual care, HealthCall Telehealth service provides fully integrated HIPAA-compliant, high-quality live audio and video for up to four people with universal device support.
Easily launch video sessions directly within the HealthCall platform to invite patients, care providers and others. Recipients simply click on the secure link to join the video conference. No apps to install, no registration, and no licensing make HealthCall video easy, secure and highly scalable.
Like all HealthCall products, our Telehealth solutions are fully integrated, which streamlines documentation and enables automated billing. Participants, time, duration, encounter notes, CPT codes, and assessment data can be automatically exported for billing.

Record the Call In Record Time

LiveCall Tracking

Audit ready: Record phone encounters with HealthCall LiveCall Tracking™. Along with complete call metrics, a full audio recording of the conversation is stored within the patient’s outreach log and accessible in real-time via the HealthCall platform. LiveCall Tracking empowers continuous process improvement, supports new-hire training initiatives, and acts as an audit record in most scenarios.
Records staff and patient phone encounters

Objective individual & team measures

Promotes accountability: provides audit trail

Call metrics include call time, duration, and phone number

HealthCall LiveCall Tracking™ is just one of the many ways the HealthCall platform helps you document all that you do so that you STAY ready, so you don’t have to GET ready.

Uncharted Territory?
Not for Your Clinical Data.

SMART Charts™

Standardized and validated: Providing diversified care in the field presents unique challenges every day. SMART Charts™ frees those on scene to maximize their experience and expertise to document all of the important and relevant issues at the point of care.
Quickly and easily choose from a wide range of clinically validated and standardized assessment tools such as the PEAT Scale, DAST-10, Frail Scale, PHQ9, CAT Questionnaire and more.

SMART Charts can also include custom assessments to collect important clinical data, such as specific vitals or Head-to-Toe, as well as administrative information like Time Tracking and Community Referrals.

Experience the new freedom in documentation with the proven outcomes of HealthCall Care Programs and the unprecedented flexibility of SMART Charts all within a comprehensive longitudinal patient record.
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An EHR without the Steep Learning Curve

Electronic Health Record

Robust: An intuitive electronic health record can be the key to success for efficient and effective patient care. HealthCall EHR functions are fully integrated with HealthCall remote care, APR health assessments, encounter management, and virtual care Telehealth.
Our Patient Health Record focuses on highly relevant clinical care.
Document management of most common file types
Medication tracking with annotated history (complete National Drug Code directory)
Insurance records with real-time verification
Medical history record (Allergies, Barriers to Care, Contraindications, Family History, Primary Diagnosis, etc.)
Admission tracking (ICD-10)
Patient goal setting and tracking
Medical device management
Treatment and therapy supply management
Care team member listing and network

Comprehensive narrative note tagging and filtering

HealthCall integrates with major EHR systems enabling the near-realtime exchange of discrete data elements.

Practice Process Makes Perfect

Encounter Management

Intuitive: HealthCall provides extensive encounter management tools to help ensure best practices while personalizing the patient engagement processes. Pre-call checklists, encounter scripts and tips, interactive prompts and decision support tools guide Care Team members during in-person and telephone encounters.  Working within the HealthCall platform promotes the use and mastery of best practices in patient care.
Real-time patient-response analysis and quality assurance combined decision support tools help improve clinical efficacy of patient encounters. Easily compare subtle changes to key clinical measures over time and provide proactive care BEFORE patients trend outside of limits.
Additionally, Encounter Management tools allow for the monitoring and management of large, geographically dispersed Care Teams. This creates enhanced provider confidence, higher staff productivity, improved clinical outcomes, leading to healthier patients.
Promotes the use and mastery of best practices

Enables transparency across geographically dispersed care professionals

Prompters and individualized decision support tools help ensure predictable outcomes

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One Platform.
Hundreds of Programs.

Workflow Automation/ Proven Care Plans

Evidence based: HealthCall Programs enable clinical and administrative process automation that delivers consistent, high-quality outcomes with greater financial efficacy. From critical care to chronic care management to large-scale population health, HealthCall Programs enable highly scalable care management with individualized care.
Using best practices and evidence-based medicine, HealthCall Programs guide who should do what, when, and with whom. In addition, patented technologies engage patients, promote self-management and healthy living, and facilitate increased collaboration on behalf of the care team and providers.
HealthCall Programs are fully integrated within the HealthCall Care Delivery platform to work seamlessly with the HealthCall Automated Patient Response™ system, HealthCall-EHR, and HealthCall SMART Charts.

Know Who to Call Before They Call 911

Remote Patient Monitoring/ APR

Risk-driven: Acting as an extension of you, the HealthCall-APR™ system automates routine patient interactions while educating and encouraging patients towards healthier self-care behaviors.
Patented technology engages patients through an intelligent sequence of texting, email, and automated phone outreach to provide a superior experience enabling patients to respond in the way most convenient to them.
This risk-based monitoring system of frequently staying in touch with each patient checks on key biometrics along with new and worsening symptoms. Sophisticated risk-based decision support tools then alert you in real-time to provide appropriate proactive care to mitigate the need for 911 or critical care resources.
Superior outcomes are ensured through a process of management-by-exception and more proactive care.

“Using the HealthCall-APR system is like having an extra employee taking care of patient follow-up.”

Joshua Clouse

Firefighter/Paramedic, Plano Fire-Rescue

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Built for Easy Integration

Integration Solutions

Open: HealthCall’s custom application program interfaces make it easy to integrate with other healthcare systems and applications. We’ve implemented hundreds of integrations over the years, including everything from simple flat-file exchanges to HL7 and real-time data exchanges.
In every case, our goal is to make HealthCall conform to the user’s system and operations—not the other way around. We’ll work directly with your IT and clinical teams to gain a clear understanding of your needs, limitations, and opportunities. Then we’ll create a seamless integration solution that makes HealthCall a welcome addition to your existing system.
Perform multitudes of integrations, from simple flat file exchanges to HL7 to real-time APIs
Interface with virtually any EHR system and implementation
HealthCall integrations conform to the user’s system and operations
Import and export discrete data elements, custom data fields, and custom data sets as needed
Perform off-network, asynchronous data import and verification

“By linking [HealthCall] and EMS records, first responders can review information about established patients in real-time, leading to informed emergency responses… This can be particularly useful for frequent utilizers of EMS and CP services and those who may not be capable of providing a reliable medical history.”

*Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Built for Easy Integration

Integration Solutions

Open: HealthCall’s custom application program interfaces make it easy to integrate with other healthcare systems and applications. We’ve implemented hundreds of integrations over the years, including everything from simple flat-file exchanges to HL7 and real-time data exchanges.
In every case, our goal is to make HealthCall conform to the user’s system and operations—not the other way around. We’ll work directly with your IT and clinical teams to gain a clear understanding of your needs, limitations, and opportunities. Then we’ll create a seamless integration solution that makes HealthCall a welcome addition to your existing system.
Perform multitudes of integrations, from simple flat file exchanges to HL7 to real-time APIs
Interface with virtually any EHR system and implementation
HealthCall integrations conform to the user’s system and operations
Import and export discrete data elements, custom data fields, and custom data sets as needed
Perform off-network, asynchronous data import and verification

“By linking [HealthCall] and EMS records, first responders can review information about established patients in real-time, leading to informed emergency responses… This can be particularly useful for frequent utilizers of EMS and CP services and those who may not be capable of providing a reliable medical history.”

*Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

What’s Up? Now You Know

Interactive Dashboard

Interactive: HealthCall interactive dashboards provide important insights and near real-time information, helping managers and care team members make better decisions about patient care. Easily customize the dashboard for monitoring a variety of quantitative and qualitative measures, including personalized colors, labels, date ranges, and views.
Interact directly with the visual dashboard by simply clicking on the graphs, drilling-down to access multi-layered data and related patients instantly. This increased reliance on analytics takes the guesswork out of day-to-day operations that lead to quality outcomes ensuring a greater return on investment.
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Document Your Data and Know Your Numbers

Report Generator

HealthCall tracks a wealth of patient data—and it makes it easy for care team members to transform that data into clear, actionable reports.
Our Report Generator’s powerful and flexible interface allows your team to run reports on a variety of outcome measures, including readmission, length of stay, adherence, and more. It can also help identify trends in key performance indicators that lead to more effective care—and, ultimately, increased patient satisfaction.

Create robust monthly reports showing data, trends, and more

Output readmission, emergency department, and observations unit data
Share data on patient length-of-stay, adherence, wellbeing, and satisfaction
Create detailed productivity reports and KPI reports on demand

Prove Just How Good You Really Are

Satisfaction Surveys

Proven: Recognized as the “gold standard of customer experience metrics,” the Net Promoter Score (NPS), most accurately reflects both satisfaction and loyalty. HealthCall conducts millions of patient satisfaction surveys. Now, these surveys can be seamlessly integrated into your organization — 100% automated — to provide objective third-party validation of your service.
Patient satisfaction is quickly becoming an industry standard throughout healthcare. Within mobile integrated healthcare (MIH) programs, and as part of the widely accepted Triple AIM, organizations strive to improve the patient care experience. Healthcare agencies may also need to measure patient satisfaction for accreditation.
HealthCall satisfaction surveys provide organizations with a streamlined way to survey patients after service. Using the patented HealthCall-APR, the system can send surveys via phone, text or email, patients then respond in the manner most convenient for them. Mail-in paper surveys can take weeks or months. HealthCall has standard surveys available for different healthcare industries and allows for flexibility to customize questions specific to your organization. HealthCall’s report generator gives you the power to analyze your data to correct issues before they become problems, report findings to your referral sources, improve workflow efficiencies, and reward staff.

Use preconfigured satisfaction surveys or customize as needed

100% Automated satisfaction surveys, no burden on staff

Objective third-party validation of your service

Get timely feedback, correct issues before they become problems.

How We Prioritize Security and Privacy


Secure: Information security is our highest priority at HealthCall — without it, we wouldn’t be able to provide the #1 Care Delivery platform that allows our clients across the United States to care for the people in their communities.
We understand the importance and sensitivity of the patient data our systems manage.  At HealthCall, we take the security of our clients and their patients very seriously.  By making this our top priority, we protect not only our business but also the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of protected health information (PHI).

To protect our clients’ data at all costs, our security infrastructure is HIPAA-compliant and built upon a foundation of some of the highest industry security standards. Now, we are happy to share that HealthCall is materially operating under the requirements of HITRUST with formal certification pending. HITRUST certification is considered the gold standard in the healthcare industry and one of the most difficult to achieve.


What Is HITRUST and Why Is It Important?

HITRUST is an extensive framework created by security industry experts, covering 19 different domains related to security and risk. These domains involve vulnerability management, network and transmission protection, third-party assurance, risk and incident management, audit logging and monitoring, and more.
As one of the most extensive and robust certifications, HITRUST reconciles a variety of relevant regulations and standards into one single overarching security and privacy framework that combines HIPAA with other data security standards, such as HITECH, NIST, ISO, PCI, FTC, COBIT, and GDPR.
HITRUST is the second-most adopted security framework in healthcare. By following it, we are demonstrating our commitment to how seriously we take security to the millions we serve.
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Ready for What Comes Next

Flexible Platform

Future Ready: As Mobile Integrated Healthcare and Community Paramedicine continue to evolve rapidly, perhaps one of the most powerful aspects of the HealthCall Care Delivery platform is its versatility and flexibility. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, HealthCall worked with first responders to created new COVID care programs to remotely diagnose, triage, track, and monitor new cases. These programs were updated as guidelines changed and new protocols were introduced. In fact, HealthCall helped launch over two dozen COVID-19 programs in some of our nation’s largest cities. Many of these programs were launched in days, not weeks or months.
While the pandemic was extraordinary, creating and launching new programs is very much the ordinary for HealthCall. Let us know how we can be of service with your new endeavors.